Module Pattern in Node.js

The Module Pattern in JavaScript is a design pattern that allows for the encapsulation of private variables and functions, exposing only a public interface. It’s a way to create private and public sections in a module. This pattern is particularly useful for organizing code into reusable, maintainable packages with clear separation of concerns.

Before the introduction of ES6 modules (import/export syntax), the Module Pattern was implemented using immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE) and closures. Here’s a classic example of the Module Pattern using an IIFE to create a simple calculator module.

Example: Calculator Module

Step 1: Define the Module

The calculator module will have private methods for addition, subtraction, and a public API that exposes these methods.

var CalculatorModule = (function() {
// Private variables and functions
var _data = { number: 0 };
function _add(x) {
_data.number += x;
return _data.number;
function _subtract(x) {
_data.number -= x;
return _data.number;
// Public API
return {
add: function(x) {
return _add(x);
subtract: function(x) {
return _subtract(x);
getValue: function() {
return _data.number;

Step 2: Use the Module

With the module defined, you can now use its public API to perform operations. The internal state of the module is maintained across calls, but it’s not directly accessible from the outside.

console.log(CalculatorModule.getValue()); // 0
console.log(CalculatorModule.getValue()); // 5
console.log(CalculatorModule.getValue()); // 3

In this example, CalculatorModule is an IIFE that returns an object. This object represents the module’s public API, exposing the add, subtract, and getValue functions. The _add and _subtract functions, along with the _data variable, are private to the module. They are not accessible from the outside, thus encapsulating the module’s state and behavior. The getValue method is public and allows external code to read the current state without being able to directly modify it.

This pattern was widely used in JavaScript to emulate the concept of classes before ES6 introduced the class keyword and modules. It’s a powerful way to create encapsulated pieces of code that interact with the rest of your application in a controlled manner.